CBD in Food

CBD in Food

CBD in Food

A Bulgarian Fairytale and CBD in Food!

Many of you might not be familiar with the small Eastern European country named Bulgaria. Also, many of you might not be familiar with using CBD in Food. Well, let us familiarize you with Bulgaria and the way Easter is celebrated there. After that, we will give you the best Orthodox Easter Bread recipe with CBD.

In this post, we will collaborate with one of the most renown up and coming Bulgarian chefs.

Bulgaria is in Southeast Europe. To get a better feel of where exactly it is positioned, its border countries are Romania, Serbia, Greece, and Turkey. Bulgaria is a very ancient country, established in the far AD 681. Therefore, it has a lot of history and subsequently a lot of traditions. The dominant religion in Bulgaria is Christianity and that shapes  many of the holidays celebrated in the country.

Orthodox Easter

One of the most widely spread holidays in Bulgaria is Orthodox Easter. The holiday differs a lot from to the way other countries celebrate it. For example, in Bulgaria, Easter is celebrated based on the Orthodox holiday calendar. 

This year the holiday is celebrated on May 2nd, 2021. The name of the Holiday in Bulgarian is “Velik Den” which translates to Great Day. The holiday name implies how important the celebration is for the country. 

The tradition evolves around painting eggs all different colors and then fighting with them. The eggs are obviously boiled and the fight consists of hitting one egg with the other. They don’t throw them at each other (we know the throwing sounds more fun).

Kozunak - Easter Bread

The Star of the Holiday

In addition, an amazing Easter bread, called Kozunak is baked. Let us tell you, it is a mission. The ingredients are simple, however the specific technique and amount of time to create this masterpiece makes it very difficult. On top of that, we will put CBD in the Food. Good thing we tracked down one of the most successful Bulgarian chefs who appeared in the Bulgarian Master Chef to help us with our mission. 


Meet Max

Instagram: @ maxe.got.the.recipe

Masterchef Star

Max is one of the most successful Bulgarian chefs who appeared in the Bulgarian Master Chef. His style of cooking is traditional and he says that” he loves spending time in the kitchen, but his style has nothing to do with that half-plated, five star michelline stuff.” Rather, he says, ” I’m a man, give me the steak, the mashed potatoes, and the bbq sauce. At the end of the day, I need to get over the hunger with some quality man meal.” This traditional approach to cooking is exactly why we are sure that his Kozunak recipe will be one to remember!  


The Best Kozunak Recipe


1 kg of all purpose flower

2 sachets of dry east

7 drops of liquid vanilla extract

7 eggs

250ml of fresh milk

250g of sugar

200g butter

1/2 capsule lemon essence

Grated rind from 1/2 a lemon and 1/4 of orange

Pinch of Salt

100gr raisins

1/2 a table spoon of rum

Cooking directions

 Dilute the yeast in 50 ml of fresh milk. Pour enough flour to make a thick paste, cover the dish and leave it to rise in the heat. During this time, sift the flour into a large enough container, make a well and put a pinch of salt in it. Beat 6 eggs, sugar and slightly warmed milk in a separate bowl. Melt the butter. Once the yeast has risen, pour it into the flour, add the milk-egg mixture and knead the dough. The oil is not poured into the mixture. Dip your hands into it while kneading. Knead the dough until it absorbs all the oil and begins to peel off the work surface. Don’t hit it. Once the Easter breads have risen, spread a beaten egg on top of them, sprinkle them with plenty  of  sugar and put them  in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. 

The dough rises best in a bowl covered with a clean, floured sheet or a large enough  cotton towel. It’s done when it triples  in volume, which usually takes about two hours. After the dough rises, it is lightly kneaded, formed into Easter cakes, rolls, braids etc. and the finished products are allowed to rise again. If desired, raisins or Turkish delight can be added to the Easter cakes. Re-fermentation takes about an hour. Once the Easter breads have risen, spread a beaten egg on top of them, sprinkle them with plenty  of  sugar and put them  in a preheated oven at 180 degrees.

Bake at 180 degrees for half an hour, then reduce the oven to 160 degrees and continue baking until done. Remove the Easter breads from the pans while still warm. When completely cooled, wrap them in a clean  cotton cloth and store them in a plastic bag to keep them soft.

Mix half a dropper of a high quality CBD oil with half a spoon of liquid honey.  We suggest that the CBD oil be scented. For example,  an Orange or Vanilla scent will go very well. Combine the liquids well  and pour on top of the baked kozunak. This will add an innovative twist to a traditional meal and also make your holiday more pleasant and relaxing. 

Watch this video to learn more

  • Josephine
    Posted at 17:55h, 08 May

    Amazing idea! I have been using CBD for a couple months now and it has done wonders for my knee and back pains. Have never tried using CBD oil in food. Will definitely try it out!

    • Team CBD Vèd
      Posted at 17:56h, 08 May

      Glad you like our blog! Let us know how the Easter bread turns out by tagging us on Instagram or Facebook @cbdved