Why Vèd


CBD is undoubtedly the plant-based star in the wellness world.


Part of CBD's popularity is that it is “nonpsychoactive,” and that consumers don't have to worry about the high. It helps with recovery, skin problems, anxiety, sleep etc.

Why Us

We embrace a tell, do not sell strategy and put emphasis on our customer's experience

Why Us

We have directed our knowledge and experience of the cannabinoids to the fulfilling desires, from the smallest seed crop to the most splendid products.

Why Our Products

All natural ingridents, certified products and highest quality on the market.

Why Our Products

We have all the certification and tests required for a highly reputable CBD brand. We make no compromises when it comes to quality, taste, or customer experience.


CBD Muscle Gel


VED- Broad Spectrum Sleep Tincture (1050mg)


Our Best Seller


This month’s favorite wins with quality and convenience. Try it out today!


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Our Mission

The Changers’ Fund


We are the ones that change, the ones that disrupt, the ones that never give up. The changers is a fund that aims at helping lower ranked players fight for their dreams and show the world their true abilities