What are the different CBD products on the market?

What are the different CBD products on the market?

What are the different ways to consume CBD products?

Cannabinoids on the market

Cannabinoids are a very versatile product and can be introduced to the body in many different ways. There is a wide array of methods for CBD products intake from oil added to drinks and food all the way to smokables. Each intake method exists to satisfy the needs of the individual consumer as there is no one-fit-all solution. However, there are four main ways to take CBD.

Therefore, the best way to find your preferred method of intake is by experimenting with the different CBD forms and seeing which one fits best. In this article, we will help you with all the information you need to get started.

Oral CBD

Orally taking CBD is one of the most simple and efficient ways to dose the cannabinoid. Swallowing a couple drops of CBD is one of the easiest ways to consume the molecule. If you do not like the taste of it, you can also add it to foods and drinks. However, there are more innovative ways out there from candy and gummy bears to infused desserts.

There is an array of oral CBD formulas that all feature varying CBD strengths. Many of them are mixed with additional nutrients and vitamins that make them even more beneficial for the consumer.

CBD oil

CBD oil is available in different concentrations. The high-quality CBD oil brands usually deliver an unadulterated dose of CBD and terpenes. The tincture can come with varying carriers, such as olive oil, MCT oil or hemp oil. We recommend hemp oil.

CBD Softgels

Many companies produce softgels because they are very easy to consume. Also, they make no mess and can be added to any existing supplement routine. Taking capsules is as efficient as taking the oil. Some people just find it easier for consuming.

 Liposomal CBD oil

Liposomes are a form of nanotechnology that deliver active ingredients to their target cells and ramp up bioavailability. These small “pods” carry cannabidiol safely through the throes of the digestive tract and directly to their site of action.


When you take CBD orally, the cannabinoids travel through the digestive tract and liver before they enter the bloodstream. In the liver the cannabidiol undergoes the first-pass effect and gets broken down partially.

The many steps and processes CBD goes through in the digestive system, means that it will take slightly longer to feel the effect; approximately around two hours. Also, not all of the CBD that you swallow will be digested or become bioavailable. On average, a person absorbs around 20% of the cannabinoid in each dose. However, taking CBD orally tend to have longer lasting effects compared to other methods, which makes it a good trade-off.

Topical CBD


When it comes to topical CBD, the molecule doesn’t reach the bloodstream. Instead, CBD interacts with receptors in the skin to keep our largest organ balanced, healthy, and supple. Topical formulas contain a myriad of other molecules that help to maintain skin health and inflammation down.

CBD Beauty Creams and oils:

One of the best and most effective application of CBD is in the beauty industry. CBD beauty creams blend CBD with the proven powers of various cosmetic ingredients to keep skin young, soft and supple. CBD beauty oils are especially effective for acne, redness and even pigmentation.

CBD Muscle Gels

CBD topicals can also include products like our own CBD muscle gel. These are aimed at reducing inflammation and reducing pain. CBD muscle gels are perfect for cramps, injuries, or post-surgery recovery. They can offer greater supportive layers, or faster absorption for their targeted areas

Topical CBD exclusively affects the skin and the muscles. The cannabinoid—and other natural ingredients—won’t pass into the bloodstream. Therefore, it cannot come up on a drug test. Yet, when it comes to beauty, topical CBD does penetrate the epidermis of the skin to produce deeply nourishing effects via the receptors of the skin (ECS of the skin).  It also targets inflammation and reduced pain instantly.

Sublingual (under the tongue) CBD

The under the tongue method helps you absorb the product through the oral mucosa. Therefore, this pathway of intake offers rapid onset and does not need any preparation. It is fast, easy, and discreet.


Place the CBD oil under the tongue for around one minute before swallowing and wait for the effect.

CBD Isolates

The pure CBD crystals dissolve rapidly under the tongue and send large quantities of CBD into the bloodstream. However, they do not carry the benefits of a full-spectrum oil.

Nasal Spray CBD

Sprayed into the nostril, the nasal spray passes through a mucous membrane in the nose and into systemic circulation. Much like sublingual administration, it essentially delivers cannabidiol straight into the bloodstream.

Sublingual intake offers a fast and effective dose of cannabidiol. CBD gets absorbed faster here because molecules pass through the thin layer of tissue under the tongue. Then, it immediately diffuses into the capillaries, bloodstream, and cells, resulting in a high bioavailability of 40–50%.

Because the under the tongue method bypasses the digestive system, it doesn’t take long to start feeling the effects. However, the effects don’t last as long as with orally ingested CBD. Although speedy, sublingual CBD lacks the flavor and creativity of oral cannabidiol.

Many experts recommend combining sublingual and oral. Start with holding oil under the tongue, then swallow the rest—combining benefits of both.

Inhalation of CBD

Inhaled CBD passes into the lungs and diffuses into the bloodstream via the alveoli, producing near-instant effects. Although, not always the healthiest ways to consume CBD, many users favor the relaxing actions of smoking and vaping. Not to mention their increased bioavailability.


These devices offer a clean, instant, and accurate way to deliver CBD directly into the bloodstream via the lungs.

Modern CBD inhalers utilize aerosol technology to deliver a cool extract into the lungs, free from carcinogens and any molecular degradation.

Therefore, inhaling CBD gives users great control over their experience. Not to mention a high bioavailability of 50–80%. With a fast onset, users can take one hit at a time and work their way up to their unique sweet spot. As you might expect, the effects of inhaled CBD do not last as long as with oral administration.

Which CBD product is right for me?

When it comes to choosing a CBD intake form, personal experimentation serves as the best way to find which CBD products work best. Try different routes of administration and different products in each category to see what offers you the best results. Also, if you decide to take more than one intake method, try to record how many milligrams you are consuming. Thus, you will be able to find your perfect dosage! For athletes and sports enthusiasts we recommend topicals!

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